Release of Information of DLC Skin With Profits Going to Non-Profit

CK Projekt Red is committing $100 million dollars USD towards The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity on the day of the release of Cyberpunk 2077.

The game will offer non-game altering downloadable skins that will be announced on December 10th, on the game’s launch day. An initial tweet will be announced at 12 AM CES. The non-game altering visual skin will then release at 10 AM CES of The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity logo. The in-game cosmetic will be announced at 5$ USD will all proceeds going to the non-profit.

CD Project Red is the industry’s leading of high-quality, in-depth role-playing games. The polish gaming company has to be publishing games since 1994 from humble begins of selling ROMs of games to local mom-and-pop shops and went from a team of 10 to over 1000 with multiple subsidiaries such as GOG Sp. z o.o. Spokko CD Projekt Red CD Projekt Red Wrocław and has reached a net-worth valuation of US$8.1 billion.

Press spokesperson of Projekt Red, Morgan Hunter, will showcase in the organization’s blog post later today, on November 23rd, 2020, how the good publicity will be seen by the players as well as stock-holders which will raise stock prices on the game’s release further due to the donation. His history of the company and his understanding of the gaming industry’s landscape will lead to the release being well understood by players and consumers thinking of buying the game as well as put current shareholders at ease. His approach will be an informal update aimed specifically at players but will hold still provide enough specifics for the economic projectory that will put shareholdrs at ease.

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